Tuesday, October 8, 2013

LDS and Loving It.

I love General Conference.  I love being LDS and I love the leaders of our church.  Conference was this past weekend, but I DVR'd the sessions I missed and I just watched the 1st Saturday session.  President Uchtdorf always gets to me.  All of the talks are great, but his and President Monson's always stick with me.

Our church is for EVERYONE!  No matter what we've been through, what we are struggling with, or where we want to go, the church is there for us.  The people of our church are imperfect and too much judgement happens!  We need to love others because we know, even if we may not be going through exactly what others are, we DO have our own problems.  If we have doubts about ourselves, or the Gospel, we should always doubt the doubts before we doubt our faith.

Thank you President Uchtdorf, thank you all others who spoke this past weekend, and thank you readers for reading my super religious post. :)

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! I completely agree. There is an inordinate amount of judgement that really permeates the members of the church sometimes.
