I don't want to tell this story, but I probably should for the memory... When she was close to 3 months old, I did an awful thing. Dave and I had been talking for a minute in the car, and I had pulled her out of the car seat to hold her. When we got ready to go upstairs, I just set her back in her seat without buckling her and grabbed some other things. I pulled her seat out of the car and her blanket fell on the ground. Well, I put the car seat on my hip and bent over to get the blanket (not remembering that I hadn't strapped her in...) and then I heard a loud thump. I turned around and Olivia was face down on the asphalt. I picked her up and I think I was crying louder and longer than she was. It was the saddest event in her life so far. She didn't have any marks on her head and she ended up being okay, but she did get a pretty fat lip. It was HORRIBLE! Here is the evidence...
I about died. But I have learned to be way more careful with her and I will not be abusing her in the future. I'm sorry cutest baby in the world :)
On a better note! ... She has her four month appointment on Thursday. I am excited to see how big she's gotten now, but I am NOT excited for the stupid shots. Oh well, I guess I'd rather her be protected from disease.
Today, Olivia Likes:
Babbling and Talking
Playing with Daddy
Her monkey toy with a binkie attached
Laying on a Blanket with Toys
Sucking on strawberries
When Grandpa gives her chocolate..........
Car Rides
Watching mom and dad play Volleyball
Being Outside
Grabbing Boston's Hair
Trying to Roll Over
Being Tickled
Her Hands! She shoves BOTH fists in her mouth whenever possible
Olivia Doesn't Like:
When she's not the center of attention
Tummy Time
Medicine for her Goopy Eyes
Getting woken up from her naps
Getting dressed
When Daddy makes a moo sound... haha
4 Month Appt. Stats
13 lbs 15 oz - 44th %
24 in. tall - 22nd %
Here are some recent pics of our little Bug
Grandpa Rueckert and Olivia and Hayden
Cuddling on Daddy
Playing - Her favorite thing to do!
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