Wednesday, March 14, 2012

35/35 OMG

Today I am 35 weeks along and I have 35 days to go!!  Woot Woot :)  I am sooo excited - I really hope she decides to come early!  Today I had my final baby shower, my work one.  Everyone was so nice I can't believe how generous everyone was!  Now, I think I can finally say that I'm about ready... I still need some nursing bras/underwear and a baby book, but we've been given a lot of money so I am pretty set!  I can't wait to meet my little Olivia girl - even though I keep having dreams that she's going to come out a boy and I will have to return ALL of my pink stuff... *knock on wood* please don't happen!  Even though a little boy toy would be super cute too ♥  I'm getting large though - this is my 35 week picture...

On another note, my actual boy toy has been in a research center for two days and I'm missing him!  Dave did a research study and had a bunion removed.  He thought it was so cool because they will be paying him $1300 to do it, but right now he's SUPER miserable.  He can't have any visitors, so all I can do is drop goodies off to him and talk to him on the phone.  I am hoping I don't go into labor because he would have a pretty hard time getting out and getting to the hospital!  But it's weird being alone... I'm staying with my parents because A. I'm too scared to sleep alone for 4 nights and B. If I do go into labor, I'll need a ride :)  It's fun to be staying there again, though, so much has changed at home in the two years I've been gone!  I am really excited to pick D up though, which will be Friday morning.  Then, hopefully he can recover okay.

Well, that's my update for the day!  35 days to go!...34....33...32  ♥♥♥

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! We can't wait for you two :)
    p.s. I did that same foot surgery/pain medication study. Cha-ching$
